Thanks for sharing this, Jenn. I've often wondered the same thing. Maybe it's similar to things I've read on Facebook... sometimes, I can just roll right past the stuff that makes me crazy, and then there are times when I am so infuriated that I end up unfriending people. For reasons I don't understand, several people we know remain exuberantly committed to FUS in spite of the terrors that occurred there, and then there are those of us who have decided to completely sever those ties....and I don't know even a tenth of what you know.

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Your efforts will effect change.

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Your caring matters. 💕

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"There is no longer anything shocking about priests sexually assaulting people"

I still hold out hope that over time there will be more awareness about Steubenville. Thanks for speaking up. It is hard to process.

I see Scott Hahn is speaking at the National Eucharistic Conference. I bet there are a number of FUS grads speaking. The impact of the University is widespread, like tentacles.

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Thank you for writing this Jenn, as it makes me feel less crazy for having these moments too. I don’t think i could look any of those men in the face without wanting to scream or burst into tears.

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I binged all your articles a few months ago and also haven’t stopped thinking about it. I actually had a good cry in my car last week realizing that my younger self I could have easily been any one of those girls. I would have trusted, I would have repented, I would have held the blame and spiralled myself into thinking maybe I do need an exorcism… and I balled my eyes out.

I met a girl at mass the other day who was beaming with joy that she’d be going to FUS soon, and as she spoke I felt a sort of dissociation of wanting to share in her joy but feeling a deeper fear in the pure trust she had in this choice. I can’t unread what happened.

They probably would recommend an exorcism for me based on the level of dissonance I’ve been experiencing with the church lately.

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